Welcome to Kyle's Konsulting!
My name is Kyle Davis, Owner of Kyle's Konsulting, a growing health insurance advising agency. As a Bachelor of Entrepreneurship, people and freedom are my passion. Sure, health insurance isn’t the most glamorous or exciting business. We hate our health insurance until the day we really need it! Ultimately, the future is unpredictable… one day you're healthy and the next you're not… that’s the truth. So, why Health Insurance? At the end of the day, my hope is that you are able to live freely, knowing you have an Advising Team with your best interest in mind and are covered with the best plan possible.
Common Situations
If you are on a Marketplace/Obamacare plan or employer plan, then you probably are overpaying!
Private healthcare plans are worth taking a look at because rates are based on health and not your income!
More infoIf you don't ever use your health insurance, why are you paying an arm and a leg for it? There are plans made specifically for people who aren't "frequent fliers" at the doctor's office - these are called Private healthcare plans!
More infoMost Obamacare/Marketplace plans are only EPO or HMO networks, meaning your coverage is limited to the county you live in. Private Healthcare plans are all PPO options, meaning your coverage will ALWAYS be there. Who wants to worry about insurance when you take a vacation? Not me!
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